Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is interesting try your email

Posted via email from troy ohlsson

Behold, the power of Photoshop

Karmic Koala is here

Karmic Koala is here!

Posted via email from troy ohlsson


need shoes for the kids??

Oprah offering 50% off at Payless Shoe coupon today...

Posted via email from troy ohlsson

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In Loving Memory - R.I.P. Jack - I love you!

It saddens me an UNBELIEVABLE amount to tell you that I lost a great dog and an incredible friend today. I have been an absolute wreck all day. This has got to be the worst day of my entire life...I loved him SO much!

After I picked up Jack last night from the Veterinary Imaging Center (for MRI), I took him directly to the Animal Medical Center to drop him off in preparation for surgery today. the MRI tech stated that he will need additional medication to make it through the night since the MRI requires a lot of manipulation of the body and neck to get the right images. So, I left him at Animal Medical Center last night so they can give him pain meds through the night.

Dr. Hampel called this morning to let me know that she was headed into surgery. She said that he looked a bit pale and purple this morning and seemed to be lacking oxygen, but they put him on oxygen and he seemed to recover enough to proceed. She said that he was in an intense amount of pain, even more than before, so they said it was best to not wait any longer. They proceeded with anesthesia and then the surgery. About 3 hours later Dr. Hampel called me and obviously I was expecting that things went well and he would be coming out of anesthesia soon. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Dr. Hampel had easily located and removed the very large disk that actually popped out completely by itself because it was so degernated and hard. Apparently, they were almost done with surgery and things seemed to be going well and then his body temperature suddenly went sky high. They did everything that they could to get it back down, they turned off heating blankets, surrounded him with ice, but after 25 mins we just had to let him go because she said that there is no saving him after that amount time due to the brain damage he would have incurred. She said that even if he came out of anesthesia he would only survive for 12-24 hours. I told her we need to let him go. It was time. It's amazing that, what I understand is such a common surgical procedure, could end up this way, but sometimes I guess the body just can't take it anymore. I ask my self if I waited too long or why this happened when we worked so hard..but of course that question can never be answered. All that I can say is that if you experience these types of symptoms and you think that it is a herniated disk, don't wait, move on with MRI and surgery as quickly as possible in order to avoid any irreparable damage.

I am absolutely crushed right now and I feel so empty...after everything that I have done over the last 2 weeks to help save him it is so sad to end like this.... I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's comments, advice, referrals (Jeff), and of course the donations. I still have a vet bill to pay, but they reduced it quite a bit due to the outcome.. Please understand that Dr. Hampel is definitely amazing and I would recommend her in a heartbeat, this time she just couldn't save him.

R.I.P. Jack - I love you sweetie boy!

I will miss you more than anything in this world!!

WARNING - The third image is after he passed if you do not want to see him like that, he does look peaceful more pain..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

This is just AMAZING!!!!

This is just incredible, the kindness that I have received from everyone, so many people that I do not even personally know. I am so thankful to have this support!!!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Jack needs help...

My dog Jack is not doing well. Major disk herniation in his neck causing a lot of pain and neuro issues. Neuro Dr says he needs MRI or Myleogram and surgery, which costs about $4,000. I can't do this alone.... can you help?

If so, please donate here

Here is a great explanantion of Jack's disease

Video of normal Jack, playing enjoying life

- obviously no signs of pain.

Video of Jack right now, scared, hurting.
- Stayed in the car for 15 hours after vet.

Posted via email from mantis

Junk mail?

Quite possibly the best piece of junk mail I have ever received.

Sent from iTroy

Posted via email from mantis